Blog Archives

International Bacon Day 2013

long bar

This year, International Bacon Day landed on August 31.

We were lucky enough to have MANY guests for Bacon Day this year! I want to thank everyone who came to participate in Bacon day: my husband Ric, Jimmy, Robin, Morgan, Cameron, Stephen, Travis, Charlie, Aaron, Jill, Billy, Heather and Ronnie. And Creepy Cat joined us, along with Mr. Bacon (thanks Aunt Benna!). Don’t forget to check out the Bacon ‘Stashes aquired!

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I did have to work the morning of Bacon Day, but I showed my bacon love by wearing a pink and brown scrub combo. And of course I did my nails!

This year we met up at a home my cousin Stephen, brother Jimmy and his family rented for the Labor Day weekend. We went with a potluck idea. Everyone to bring a recipe to try out. Well, my family always goes above and beyond and of course brought many. 🙂 And of course we had friends that brought their recipes too! I’ll list the full menu below and links to recipes if they were provided:

Bacon Muffins with Bacon Guava Paste – By: Elle
* We also ate straight bacon strips dipped into the Bacon Guava Paste

Inside-Out BLT’s – By: Stephen
Bacon Mac N Cheese – By: Jimmy
Bacon Salad – By: Charlie
Bacon Scotch Eggs – By: Jill
Bacon Guava Paste Covered Pork Ribs – By: Ric

Bacon-Wrapped Dates – By: Elle
Bacon Rinds – By: Jimmy
Bacon Wrapped Smokies with Brown Sugar and Butter – By: Stephen

Bacon Explosion w/Filling – By: Elle and Ric

Bacon-Wrapped Twinkies – By: Elle and Ric
Bacon Peach Pie – By: Ric
Mocha-Hazlenut Bacon Cream Pastry – By: Elle

BBQ Bloody Mary (with Beer) and Bacon Garnish – By: Stephen
Bacon Champagne – By: Elle

I feel as though this year was a BIG success. We had repeat offenders for bacon day, new faces, old recipes, and new ones. Most of the recipes turned out fantastic! Bacon Peach Pie didn’t do so well this year. We used bacon that was too thick. It does require thin bacon for the top. I also feel that the Bacon Champagne didn’t turn out well. The idea was to put a cooked bacon strip and fruit into a glass and pour chaampagne over it, hoping that the “bubbly” would release some bacon flavor. It did not. But I am determined and will continue my efforts to bring more bacon cocktails to this blog.

I already can’t wait for next year! I’m pretty sure I have the perfect plan…..

I leave you with video and photos of our bacon celebration. I have noted the photos taken by our Official Bacon Day Photographer, Charlie. 🙂 And the video was compliments of my husband, Ric with help from Robin!

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– Elle.

International Bacon Day 2012

International Bacon Day landed on September 1st this year. My fiance (Ric) and I already had plans to attend a family reunion on this weekend but made sure to still enjoy bacon all day. Creepy Cat was able to attend the festivities and we thank him for joining us. Here is how our celebration went:

Breakfast #1:

Ric had to work, but I made sure to get up and make breakfast.

Recipe: Bacon Cups with Scrambled Eggs

Lunch #1:

Since Ric came home for lunch and did not have a lot of time, I made a quick but yummy bacon-related sandwich for him.

Recipe: Grilled Bacon and Cheese Sandwich


We were on the road to Aiken, South Carolina by dinner time. We pulled into McDonalds and I got myself a Crispy Chicken Ranch BLT Sandwich. It was so yummy!

Breakfast #2:

The next day (Sept 2nd), we were in Aiken and decided to continue the bacon love with the family. We started with breakfast. I simply fried the bacon stovetop, set the bacon aside to cool, and cooked our scrambled eggs in the bacon oil that remained in the pan (well, most of it… I set some aside). I grabbed some regular sandwich bread and loaded it with bacon strips, scrambled eggs, and sliced cheese. I then added some of the bacon grease set aside into the pan and fried up each breakfast sandwich in the bacon grease. They turned out great and super tasty!

Lunch #2:

My brother Jimmy was our Grill Master for the reunion. He made tons of food and helped cook up one of our favorite grilled bacon favorites….

Recipe: Bacon Wrapped Asparagus


I tried to mimic my grandmother’s cake as close as I could because of the family reunion. Her cake is very simular but I could never make it as good as hers. So, I made my own twist – I added bacon. My entire family, Ric and I all enjoyed the cake for dessert after eating our big family meal. Every piece was gone, so I’m guessing they liked it. 🙂

Recipe: Pecan and Bacon Bundt Cake


My family brought bottles of Maple Bacon Ale to the reunion. We ended up with three bottles! This is how I know my family loves me. 🙂

Overall, Bacon Day was a great turn out as usual. Over the years it has been fun to see all the different ways you can enjoy bacon through out a 24 hr period. So far I have tried the minimal and the extreme, the day long gathering and on the road, the friends and the family. Every time has been full of greasy times and with awesome people. Thank you to everyone who has helped me in my addiction!

– Elle.

Creepy Cat’s Bacon ‘Stash

Creepy Cat’s bacon mustache on International Bacon Day 2012.
